Why the Water pH is so Important for the Efficiency of Pesticides and Growth Regulators

July 10, 2024


The pH is the measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of water on a scale of 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic).

Water pH meter

Water at a pH of 7 is neutral, meaning there are an equal number of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the solution. Unfortunately, most water used for tank mixes in the Turf and Ornamental business is usually above the pH of 7 or alkaline. Why does this matter? Under alkaline conditions, alkaline hydrolysis occurs which degrades the pesticide and makes them less effective. In general, most pesticides are the most effective in water pH of 6.5 to 5.5. To ensure the optimum pH for pesticides, please read the label or contact a company representative.

How to test the pH of water? It is extremely important to test the water pH being used in the tank before mixing the pesticide. 

This can be done by using a pH meter or test paper strip. A pH meter is more reliable.

Water pH measurement comparison

What can be done if the water pH is 7.5 or greater? Adjusting the water pH can be done by adding buffering or acidifying agents to the tank before mixing the pesticide into the tank. There are several good products available in the market that will help with this issue. After adding the buffering agents, take one more reading of the water pH to ensure the water is at the desired pH. By ensuring the desired water pH, the effectiveness of the application will increase and thus save money and resources needed to keep a high quality program. Sometimes it is the little things that make the biggest difference.



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