Annual Flower Bed Maintenance Program

February 15, 2024


This program will keep your flower beds looking beautiful at each stage, from pre-plant to post-plant to post-establishment.

Designed for warm-season locations.

Flower range

Pre-Plant Amendments

  • Apply any soil amendments such as compost, elemental sulfur (high soil pH), or TruLime™ (low soil pH) if desired and/or warranted by soil testing results
  • Apply GAL-Xeᴼᴺᴱ® 14-14-14 NPK controlled-release fertilizer as a surface broadcast application to the bed at a rate of 1.5 pounds of product per 200 square feet (sq. ft.) of bed area
  • Apply Prokoz Zenith 0.5G granular systemic insecticide at a rate of 0.36 pounds (5.76 oz) of product per 200 sq. ft. of bed area
  • Apply Subdue G granular fungicide at 1.5 dry ounces of product per 200 sq. ft. of bed area or Cleary’s 3336® DG Lite granular fungicide at 2.0 pounds of product per 200 sq. ft. of bed
  • Uniformly incorporate these applied products into the top 2 inches of the bed area


Post-Plant Fertility and Pest Control Applications

  • Apply BioPhase™ SBE at a rate of 15 fluid ounces of product per 100 gallons of water
  • Apply DuraPhite® 0-0-12 at a rate of 40 fluid ounces of product per 100 gallons of water
  • Apply MoCa™ 5-0-5 at a rate of 1.0 gallon (128 fl. oz.) per 100 gallons of water
  • Apply Rapture® 4-0-4 at a rate of 5.0 pounds of product per 100 gallons of water
  • Apply Turf & Ornamentals™ 18-3-6 with UMAXX® at a rate of 64 fluid ounces of product per 100 gallons of water
  • Apply Pageant Intrinsic® Brand Fungicide at a rate of 18 fluid ounces of product per 100 gallons of water
  • Apply the “Post-Plant” products above as a tank mix combination after the annual plant material has been installed and mulched. These products should be applied as a drench application at an application rate of 4.0 gallons of water per 200 sq. ft. of bed area
  • Apply Freehand® 1.75G or Snapshot® 2.5TG herbicide as a surface broadcast application at a rate of 0.7 pounds of product per 200 sq. ft. area of bed and lightly water-in to activate 


Post-Establishment Fertility and Pest Control Applications

(30 days post-plant)

  • Apply BioPhase™ SBE, DuraPhite® 0-0-12, MoCa™ 5-0-5, Rapture® 4-0-4, and Turf & Ornamentals™ 18-3-6 with UMAXX® at the same rates an application methods as recommended above
  • Apply Talstar® P Professional Insecticide at a rate of 40 fluid ounces of product per 100 gallons of water
  • Apply Prokoz Transom 4.5 F or Quali-Pro TM 4.5 F fungicide (thiophante methyl) at a rate of 20 fluid ounces of product per 100 gallons of water
  • Apply the “Post-Establishment” products above as a tank mix combination 30 days after planting as a drench application at an application rate of 4.0 gallons of water per 200 sq. ft

Learn more about the PerformancePack® line of products.


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